Qualitative research findings: Libyan Women post-2011.

Sofija Ftes completed a Masters research project at the University of Cambridge examining the position(s) of Libyan women post-2011. Ms Ftes contacted Jusoor Centre for Studies and Development to provide a summary of her qualitative research findings. She interviewed Libyan women from diverse professional backgrounds to ask about the impact of the 2011 revolution on […]

Libyan Women on The Road to Peace

  The security council passed the resolution number 1325 on women, peace and security in 2000. The resolution calls for adopting a gender perspective to consider the special needs of women during the conflict. It also stresses the importance of the role of women in preventing and resolving conflicts and in the peace negotiation process, […]

تحديد الاتجاه : لماذا يتوجب علينا مناقشة قضايا المرأة الليبية

  التغير السياسي الذي حدث في 2011 كان سبباً في انتشار مؤسسات المجتمع المدني، وبالأخص منظمات حقوق المرأة. ودعت العديد من النساء الناشطات في حقوق الإنسان إلى مجتمع اكثر تضامناً وإلى قدر أكبر من المساواة وإحترام سيادة القانون. ولكن في سياق الصراع العسكري الدائر الأن، العديد من الليبين ينظرون الى قضايا المراة على أنها غير مهمة […]

Mapping our direction: reasons why we must discuss Libyan women’s issues.

Abstract: The 2011 political change in Libya brought about a proliferation of civil society groups, most notably, women’s rights organisations. Many women’s human rights activists called for a more inclusive society, greater equality and respect for rule of law. But in the context of an on-going military conflict, many Libyans now regard women’s issues as […]

Al-Mufaqira: an academic journal on Libyan women.

Al-Mufaqira is an interdisciplinary on-line journal published in both English and Arabic by Jusoor Libya; a non-governmental organization committed to independent policy research on economic and social empowerment projects with a specific focus on women. Al-Mufaqira aims to promote research on issues affecting Libyan women and serves as a platform for voices, academics and activists […]